
At the heart of Thinking 3D is a collaborative research initiative to bring together topic-specialists in humanities, sciences, fine art, engineering and industry to discuss how the concept of three-dimensionality has affected their field. Thinking 3D is as much about the history of the concept as it is about understanding how three-dimensionality has affected, or is currently affecting, technological development, and in converse how these developments are helping us understand and communicate more clearly three dimensional concepts. Thinking 3D will bring together research in order to illuminate the countless ways that this concept has evolved, influenced change, and affected the way that we perceive and communicate in our modern world.

Book of the Week

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Posts discussing 3D themes in a book of the contributor’s choice.

Item in Focus

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Posts presenting in detail editions and manuscripts of our interest.

In Action

T3D_In Action

Posts by practitioners who use three-dimensionality to help understand their disciplines and fields of study.