Thinking 3D Space and Time

  "Space and Time poster"  

The day will include:

10:30 - Arrival and Welcome coffee

11:00 - 12:30 Part I - Modelling Our Universe

  • Prof Jim Bennett (Early globes including celestial globes)
  • Mr Peter Bellerby (Challenges of a modern globe-maker)

12:30 - 13:45 Free time for lunch (if it is a nice day you could bring your picnic to the University Parks, next door; if not, lots of cafes and restaurants very close by)

13:45 - 15:15 Part II - Observing the Unseen

  • Dr Emma Chapman (Early Universe and Cosmology)
  • Dr Colin Wilson (Observing Venus)
  • Prof Steven Balbus (Black Holes and new methods of observation)

15:15 - 16:15 Part III - Communicating Space

  • Mr Daryl Green (On the work of James Nasmyth and his book on the Moon published in the 1870s)
  • Prof Chris Lintott (Citizen science and Zooniverse)

Closing Remarks

16:15 - 18:00 Part IV - Drinks and canapes reception and Exploration

A chance to enjoy a variety of stands and hands on activities while enjoying a drink and a chance to meet new and old friends

18:00 End of event

For more info and booking see here.

Download event poster.